Research Vessel Aranda is partnering with the Baltic Sea Campaign
On the 2nd of September, from 13:00 to 18:00 everyone can visit the Finnish research ship Aranda.
The research vessel is a full-fledged floating laboratory with a wide collection of data collection and sampling tools, which makes an important contribution to the monitoring of the Baltic Sea.
The visit of the marine research vessel Aranda takes place within the framework of the SYKE project BALTICITIES of the Finnish Environment Institute, during the Baltic Sea Campaign!
In the area are open spaces with tents from Taltech Marine Systems Institute to introduce the new study program for young researchers. Introduction of the studies at TalTech, talk about micro-garbage, blue-green algae and various marine research methods. Also another tents from Prügihunt - Environmental educational study program "Prevention and reduction of waste generation, reuse and recycling and formation of the habit of collecting waste by type". As well from the Environment Agency - The Environment Agency teaches how to fish sustainably on the Baltic Sea Day - the species richness of Estonian fish and the rules of fishing are introduced. The craft activities will be held by Maritime Museum and surely fascinating to explore the Pop-up Embassy of Finland.
All the event is dedicated to children as well, therefore - Kimmu, the mascot of the Green Capital, works with the children throughout the event. All this day will end with celebration.